We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction, and this pride has translated itself into many letters of praise from satisfied customers.

"Dear Doug,

Just a quick note to let you know how happy I am with the reconditioned Steinway I bought from you a couple years ago. I know now that buying that piano was the best thing I have done. As I progressed from small to large uprights, all reconditioned pianos that I purchased from you, you were right to suggest that it was time to "bite the bullet" and go for the Steinway grand piano. When I first saw my piano, on its side and with a faded, yellowish hue, I was disheartened. But you said that mechanically it was in good shape and it would look great once it was reconditioned. Needless to say you were right. Aside from its wonderful tone and action, which a number of professional pianists have commented on, its beauty is now the focus of our living room.

It's nice to know that an old Steinway model A #48615, built around 1880, is as beautiful in sound and appearance as it was over a hundred years ago. Playing my piano is truly one of the joys in my life, thank you for that.


Marilyn M."

"Bonjour Monsieur Yeats,

Vous avez fait un travail EXTRAORDINAIRE avec mes deux pianos et je vous en remercie vivement. Quelle joie de les entendre résonner, même avec de simples gammes ou arpèges! Votre travail si professionnel me donne envie de me remettre plus assidûment au clavier pour ne pas perdre à tout jamais ces quelques connaissances acquises au fil de mes jeunes années. Qui sait si cela inspirera mes (futurs) petits-enfants? Du moins, c'est ce que j'espère!

Nous nous recontacterons avant l'hiver, bien sûr!

Avec toute ma reconnaissance,


"Dear Mr. Yeats,

I would like to thank you for sticking to your word about the piano that you purchased from me last month. You are indeed a man of integrity. This point will not be lost on myself or people that I may speak to of you. I certainly will feel confident to send my friends to your establishment if I hear they are looking for a piano to purchase for you have demonstrated your honesty quite clearly.


Diane B."

"Dear Doug,

Thanks so much for the fine work you did on the 110 year old Steinway B we purchased from you last year. We are enjoying the deep sound of the bass as well as the strength of the upper register. We are happy with the restoration work on the interior and the refinishing of the exterior.


Eleanore H.

Collier Street United Church"

"Doug, I must say I was more than a little bit nervous about the idea of purchasing a restored piano, not to mention one that I had not had a chance to listen to before hand. I visited numerous piano shops around town before coming to see you. It was during our second visit that you talked to me about a 1926 Mehlin Parlour Grand Piano. You suggested that this piano would have a lovely tone and an even and precise touch. I chose to have confidence in your suggestion. Upon playing the finished product several months later not only was the sound and touch better than I had expected but the case and parts impeccably restored and refinished in a satin mahogany lacquer.

At our first visit I told you I was 64 years old and I could not afford to make a mistake with the selection of my piano. I am not a professional pianist however since I've purchased this magnificent Mehlin from you I have the appetite to play every day and look forward to my musical evenings with my friends. Thank you for your help and expertise in finding me this exceptional piano. I am truly grateful to you and your team for the excellent work you have done for me.


Serge Neveu"

"Mr. Doug Yeats,

Thank you so much for yet another very good piano. We are all so appreciative of your giving to the Hospital. We have a number of patients who have felt the lack of a piano and they are now able to use this one when it is not being used for functions in their Community Room. You can be assured it will be used and enjoyed for years to come.


Mary C.

President: The Auxiliary of Douglas Hospital"

"Hi Doug,

Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put in restoring my piano.

What you did to it is unbelievable! It sound and look so great.

I got this piano 16 years ago from my parents and now that everything has been fixed, you made a dream of mine come true.


Best regards,

Eric Moisan"